Outdoor Education Student Leader
Vermont Commons School, So. Burlington Vermont January 2021-June 2022
● Worked closely with adult trip leaders to ensure the trip ran smoothly
● Organized trip itineraries and gathered group food, equipment, and documents
● Mentored leaders-in-training and taught leadership, self-care, and co-leading skills
● Organized and ran group activities for students on the trips
● Supervised and managed daily student responsibilities within the group
● Managed minor conflicts between students and taught group living skills
● Communicated overnight trip plans to students and parents
Admissions Ambassador
Vermont Commons School, So. Burlington Vermont September 2018-June 2022
● Established professional relationships with prospective students through email, answering questions, and providing information regarding campus life
● Gave informative campus tours to prospective students and families, both in large groups and one-on-one
● Participated in admissions events that brought large numbers of prospective students to campus
● Hosted prospective students on visit days and ensured smooth integration into the community for new students
Head Middle School Volleyball Coach
Vermont Commons School, So. Burlington Vermont February 2022- April 2022
● Developed team strategy based on knowledge of fundamentals, team member skills, and competition statistics
● Mentored beginner players to foster a sense of healthy competition and confidence before focusing on skill-building
● Developed and implemented daily practices to prepare students for competition.
Vermont Fish and Wildlife, Montpellier Vermont September 2021- June 2022
Student at the Environmental Science Institute
Governors Institute of Vermont, VT June 2021-July 2021
● Explored local environmental issues through individual research and engaging with local experts
● Learned data collection techniques and gathered data on local lakes, streams, and soils
● Combined field research with computing and laboratory skills
● Evaluated distribution of pollutants in local air, water, and soil systems
● Learned how to apply the scientific method, collect environmental data, and present findings
Student in College-Level Scientific Research Seminar
Smith PreCollege Programs Crash Course, MA February 2021
● Learned how to find credible, relatable scientific sources
● Engaged with scientific papers by learning note taking, organizational, and presentation skills
● Researched topic of choosing using research skills and presented synopsis to class
NFHS Coach Level 1
NFHS Accredited Interscholasitic Coach
NFHS Coach Level 1
NFHS Accredited Interscholasitic Coach